Eva van Bemmelen is an artist with a background in graphic design. In her work, she focusses on the poetic reinvention of books and the literal characters they hold. Eva is exploring various sorts of wayfinding and guidelines. How to read a certain language? How to read a book? “I like to see a book as a three-dimensional exhibition to be walked through by the reader. With all that, I play with typography: I deconstruct it to reconstruct it again, for it to be interpreted differently.”
Eva studied graphic design at the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK) in The Hague (2012–2016) and she was working for five years at Irma Boom Office (2015–2020). In 2023 she finished her Masters in Fine Arts ‘Werkplaats Typografie’, (ArtEZ, University of Arts) Arnhem.
See this link for projects Eva is working on.
a, k, L: 115, 75 cm, Acrylic on Canvas
140x100 cm, Charcoal on Canvas
m, w, d, p, u, n: 120 x 100 cm, Acrylic on Canvas
r: 150x120mm, Acrylic on Canvas
i is haar punt kwijt: Gouache op doek, 30 x 40 cm
Harvesting '''''''''''''''''"",: New York art Book fair, : See full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKt6DpW7uuo ,
'An a in A box': installation @ Werkplaats Typografie
a past niet op het a-formaat: Acryl op doek, 70 x 120 cm
the human cursor: Installation @ Werkplaats Typografie, Warmperserij 1, Zaandam @Het Hem.
Elle Est Brisee: Acryl op doel, 70 x 120 cm
eating an apple in 20 min:
'Space Books': Print on paper, series of 10 books, 12x14 cm
'de letters zijn van het papier gevallen': A6, collage
EMOTION: Paper Teaser for paper company IGEPA. Fold every page to get in touch with all the papers. Designed together with Seo kyung Kim. Text by Chiara Simon.
Contribution Tubelight #123: 'Liefdesbrief aan ,' (a loveletter to ,) from ! for 'vrijplaats'_ published by Tubelight
( eva ): Wood, 40 x 200 cm
YES I DO & IT's NOT YOU, IT's ME: Love-letters for Nieuw Dakota. An exhibition to celebrate the love and divorce of artist-couples. Photography by Bas Czerwinski.
Publication Nieuw Dakota: Exhibition catalogue ~ Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad ~
Places without Faces: Flyer for Ruben Raven & Kasper deJong for DMW Gallery Antwerp
Publication "PIGS and SHEEP and BEASTS": for exhibition @ Nieuw Dakota Amsterdam Noord, Photo by Bas Szerwinski. Designed together with snail....
Dwarsdoorsnede: Book for Bakers Architecten – design together with Kai Udema
Book Zoro Feigl: Book for Zoro Feigl, together with Oriol Cabarrocas.
Thanks to Ellis Kat, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Verbeke Foundation, Mondriaan Fonds, Gerhard Hofland Gallery, Wilco Art Books, en Nai010.
BookMarks 'Libris Geschiedenis Prijs': Bookmarks for Uva exhibition 'Libris Geschiedenis Prijs' about 10 selected Dutch historybook-price-winners. Every bookmark has a special width. The numbers becoming thinker to create an olympic stairs.
Exhibition booklet and affiche for NIEUWE DAKOTA: NEVER LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE - With Annelies Kamen,
Faysal Mroueh,
Paulien Oltheten,
Ehsan Ul Haq
and : Maartje Wortel
– exhibition curated by Ellis Kat, Nieuw Dakota
Paren of de kunst van de slaapkamer: Book for Dirk Vis
Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar - Nieuwe vrijheidsbeelden campagne: Open Call 'New Images of Freedom' design for Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar
Beeldenroute Rudi van de Wint: Stedelijke Museum Alkmaar_https://stedelijkmuseumalkmaar.nl/rudivandewint
Gardens: Thesis design for Lou-Lou van Staaveren
Gardens #2: visite- & post- kaartjes voor Lou-Lou van Staaveren
Bryophetes and Lichens of Letterewe: _Book_Letterewe Estate_gemaakt ism Irma Boom @ Irma Boom Office
Studio Créole: Book for Manchester International Festival_@Irma Boom Office
Juni 2019
Jewellery Matters together with Irma Boom: Book for jewellery collection of the Rijksmuseum_@Irma Boom Office
Oktober 2017
Anne Frank Huis Catalogus: Book for Anne Frank House ism Irma Boom_@Irma Boom Office
Oktober 2018
? boek: De karakters van het vraagteken in een boek gebundeld_ Welke vraag stel jij?
Juli 2016